Everyone, if they are honest,
struggles and gets scared.
There's nothing wrong with talking about it and asking for help. Many people find it less risky to talk to a stranger. As a therapist, my role is to help you find the answers within yourself, to assist you in gaining clarity in the midst of uncertainty.
I know it is not easy to call a therapist, but if you are willing to take a risk, I think you will find it to be a rewarding experience.
MEET Kathy Chastain, LMFT, CDWF
Therapist, Non-Profit Founder, Author, AND Biblical Scholar
Kathy began her career as a Marriage and Family Therapist after a long career in the sports nutrition and fitness industry. During this time, she owned and operated national sports nutrition retail stores, created and produced Fresno’s first NPC body building show and traveled as a fitness model for Gaspari Nutrition.
As a graduate intern, she worked with female felony parolees as they transitioned from prison into a residential treatment facility to complete their sentence. This experience and the time she spent volunteering at Tulare County’s Juvenile Justice Detention Facility, gave her a heart and desire to work with the offender based population, who are often misguided, misunderstood, abandoned, broken and a abused segment of our society.
Through these experiences and others, she was inspired to create a new non-profit organization, that would begin to address the needs of the highly at-risk youth of Tulare County and the surrounding area. Kathy founded Tulare County’s first Licensed Runaway & Homeless Youth Shelter, Genesis House.
Kathy’s true talent and gifting is in helping people and organizations reach their full potential by addressing the areas of their life where hurt, pain, victimization, or identity has had center stage. She is a natural problem solver, creator and developer of ideas, identifying blind spots and finding the gap where a need exists. Kathy is a true advocate for all and especially those who haven’t found their voice.
She believes “at the root of all psychological and emotional distress, is the absence and/or lack of love, acceptance and belonging. When this need is not met, we consciously and subconsciously find other ways to fill the void, often through self-destructive behaviors.” The vast majority of people do not know how to love themselves or find value in who they are, especially when coming from backgrounds of abuse, addiction or abandonment. When a person understands their value, their self-worth, their reason for being, the psychological and emotional distress dissipates, and behaviors change. Her approach to therapy is to merge evidenced-based theory with Biblical principles to help clients find their own identity, their worth and their purpose. There can be a balance between faith and the walking-out process of life. In addition to being a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Kathy is a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator, a Shame Resilience Theory based on the research of Brené Brown, Ph.D, LCSW. She is a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and author of “Redeem California, With God, All Things Are Possible.” Kathy is also an ordained Christian Minister, well versed in the Bible. “I believe change is possible. I believe living an authentic life is true freedom and I believe that God is in the business of restoration, redemption and reconciliation. Anything is possible IF you can believe! Why not give yourself permission to live your best life!”
Her Values are: TRUTH, FAITH & FREEDOM
Myers Briggs Typology Indicator: INFJ