Positive & Negative Spiritual (Supernatural) Experiences
You might wonder why a therapist would offer counseling related to negative “spiritual” or “supernatural” experiences. It might sound a little cooky to some and totally on point to others. Have you ever wondered why children are afraid of the dark? Or why they seem preoccupied with monsters at an early age? Negative spiritual experiences are taking place on a very regular basis in the lives of children, adolescents and adults and I had many such experience myself growing up. It is important to recognize when it is happening and address it correctly.
Here are a few of my own experiences
For as long as I can remember, I was afraid of the dark. Terrified is the word that comes to mind. I was raised in a Christian home, and I loved the Lord with all my heart, but I had a deep sense of fear.
When I was an adolescent, around the age of 11-12 years old, I woke up one night, wide awake, and saw with my eyes, three demons. One on each side of my foot board, and the other standing right next to me on my right side. I was frozen, I couldn’t breathe, all I could do was pray in my mind, until they disappeared. Once I could find my voice, I called out to my parents, and my dad came into my room, turned on all the lights, and prayed with me until I could go back to sleep. For years of my life, and growing into my early and late 20’s, I thought something was wrong with me. I wondered why demons would show up in my room and why I was able to see them instead of angles or something comforting. I was plagued with nightmares and torments that prevented me from sleeping well, all of which caused me great fear of the dark. I searched for answers and asked several pastors, and none could provide an explanation. This event would be classified as sleep paralysis in psychological terms.
One New Year’s Eve, I had traveled to Reno NV to spend the weekend with a friend who had recently gotten married and moved to be with her new husband. After the weekend ended, I packed up to make the three-hour drive back home to Redding, CA. As I got in my car and headed down the road, I had an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and the impulse to drive my car off the cliff. The thought and feeling was so overwhelming and brought great anxiety, I didn’t trust myself to drive. I pulled over, and once again called my dad. My dad prayed with me over the phone and advised me to go back to my friend’s house until I felt safe enough to drive. I had no desire to die, nor had I ever entertained any thoughts of suicide, and yet that was exactly what was happening.
Several years later, while living in Visalia, I had a second overwhelming impulse to hurt myself. (there was absolutely no reason for me to think or feel this way as things in my life where good and stable). I was in my 30’s at this time. Living alone and running my business, Max Muscle. I had purchased a gun, for protection, as my store was newly built and in close proximity to a high crime neighborhood. One day, out of the blue, I had a persistent thought of shooting myself. I knew in my mind that was not my thought and that I didn’t believe in suicide, but the thought was so intrusive, I could not get away from it. I didn’t trust myself because I felt unable to escape that persistent thought and impulse. The only thing I could think to do was to throw all my bullets away and take my gun to my parent’s house until “it” passed. Again, I was not suicidal whatsoever, nor was I depressed. I believe intrusive, unwanted thoughts originated from the spiritual realm. I believe that suicide is a spirit and that spirit attacks the thoughts and emotions of people that God has marked for purpose. I have seen the pattern many times, not just in my own experiences, but also the many clients I have treated who report suicidal ideation but actually desire to live. Many of which cannot determine why the thoughts of suicide are present or how to get them to leave.
I could go on and on about negative AND positive spiritual experiences I have had and my clients have reported over the years. The spirit realm is real and there are very specific reasons why some are targeted with these sorts of experiences and others are not. The answer has to do with a person’s purpose in life, the gifts and talents God has given them and their God given identity.
In the course of my practice, I have had numerous kids, young people and adults, who report persistent thoughts of suicide or desire to murder someone, while at the same time emphathically stating they want to live and not die or they do not desire to hurt someone else but there is an overwhelming impulse to do so. These two examples are not clinical in nature but spiritual in nature, and there is specific clinical criteria that determines the difference.
Other clients, report seeing apparitions, larger than life spiders that they can feel crawling on them, only to disappear into the vent or wall, the feeling that something is watching them, or their bedroom is much colder than the other rooms in the house. Several clients have reported being “attacked” in their sleep and have physical marks on their bodies the next day, These are all real spiritual occurrences that is happening to children, adolescents and adults that I have personally been a witness to in my clinical practice.
The term Spiritual is defined as “relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. (all definitions found at www.dictionary.com)
The term “Spirit” has several meanings, all of which are necessary for this topic;
The nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.
The nonphysical part of a person regarded as their true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation.
the nonphysical part of a person manifested as an apparition after their death; a ghost.
A supernatural being.
The Holy Spirit.
The Term “supernatural” is defined as “(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.”
As a clinician, I have had numerous clients, young and older, who have had supernatural experiences and therapists all over the globe report the same. This is not a new topic, it is just becoming more prevalent and more talked about.
As an ordained Christian minister, and student of the Bible, I have experienced, studied and taught on the supernatural realm. Specifically concerning the spiritual battle between good and evil, God and Satan, The Angelic and the Demonic Realm.
If you or someone you know is struggling in this area, I hope that you will reach out.